Larry Kulchawik is our podcast guest in this series of 4 podcasts on Adventures in Global Expansion
He’s the author of the seminal book on international trade shows, entitled: “Trade Shows From One Country to the Next,” and has spent more than 40 years as a leader in the industry. He knows a thing or two about how to make sure your investment in an international trade show pays off!
Many companies — especially smaller ones or those new to international expansion — don’t really take full advantage of international trade shows. Larry’s passion is to help companies prepare for them more effectively.
In this series of podcasts, Larry discusses some of the many important considerations to think through when exhibiting at international trade shows.
Click on the arrow at the left below to listen!
Part 1: Importance of Trade Shows and How to Pick the Right One(s)
Part 2: Planning For Your International Trade Show Exhibit
Part 3: At the International Trade Show
Part 4: Larry’s Book, a New Project, and International Trade Show Wisdom From the Trenches